
Accreditation Certificate

LAT (former SIT) accredited LABORATORY

Calibration and adjustment are necessary in the production processes.

Calibrating an instrument means testing it with a comparison element to verify its measurement functionality. If the acceptable tolerance and calibration intervals are defined, the calibration procedure can be written to control the critical points of the production process.

Our metrology laboratory allows the calibration of your equipment in an avant-garde environment. That guarantees specific environmental characteristics and measurement traceability

This analysis gains the possibility of comparing instruments’ performance in a precise and accurate system.

And there’s more!

What if the system can’t be switched off for operational reasons? What if your structure does not allow you to bring the instruments to the laboratory? In theese cases, Elsi provides an additional type of calibration. With the help of our portable sample equipment, the calibration can be performed directly at your headquarters, straight into your manufacturing facility. This kind of calibration is practical and functional and it still guarantees reliable results. Metrological confirmation for field calibration requires technical time that can be minimized if conducted by experienced and qualified staff.

Elsi. The safe reference for those working in quality systems since 1994. Guaranteed by Accredia.